Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Perspective Today

I have been pondering my present status.  I clearly have one foot out of the closet.  I am totally scared of showing my true self to friends and family.  But I am out to many, many people now.  I suppose that it is a matter of time before someone who knows compares notes with one of my friends or coworkers.  I am not sure what I will do at that point but I shall not worry about it now.  I will probably play it based on the reaction of the friend....

In any case, I coined the expression "anonymously out" to describe my present state.  I have now bought clothes in many stores, having tried them on with the sales clerk's assistance.  I buy makeup while wearing makeup.  I wear women's clothes when I get my hair and nails done.  I wore a women's suit, stockings and flats to a bar and had a drink.  I frequently wear jewelry while running errands.  So, there are probably well over 100 people who know that I am a sissy.  The world has not crashed down on me!  Not one of the persons listed above has said anything to suggest that they disapprove of my sissiness.  Wow. 

So, I am not sure where I shall go from here.